Hi Leigh,
Finally the b...y rain has stopped.
We paddled across to Magnetic Island and back last Sunday. Start 6am back 10am.
Temp 32 degrees humidity 70% (sometimes 80%), with 5knot winds, crossed open seas for 8 kms.
Only once during the very last minutes did I open the vest to cool down.
Throughout the trip the vest was comfortable even though I perspire heavily in the chest area. It's design allowed the air to move freely even in the light wind. My arm movements were free and comfortable at all times. And when I jumped into the sea my head never looked like going under because the small back panel and larger front panels kept my head facing upwards. Great design.
I am very impressed and look forward to our next longer trip (this weekend) to see how it handles different conditions.
Hans-j Preuss
NQ Kayakers Inc.