So its been awhile since I have checked in, Sorry about that! I have two updates coming: Northern Sumatra (a kayaking trip I did with Joel Kowalski and my Indonesian friends at Tritaseta) and an update from the previous Kimberley Expedition that along with Anthony Yap I organised an international team of 11 to paddle the Fitzroy River - The largest river in Australia.
This project is still taking up a large percentage of my time and in the coming months I am sure you will here all about our trip.
Only a week or two after getting back from the Kimberley Odyssey I headed up to Far North Queensland to catch the tail end of the Australian tropical "Wet Season" I have never paddled in this area of Australia before (4000km North of where I live) and I was very impressed. It's steep and there was allot of water. The rain gods came through with extremely high water levels for the time of year. I was lucky enough to get down a couple of the classics at possibly the highest flows every paddled.
I am not claiming any First Descents but there was a couple of drops at the put-ins for the some classic day runs that according to the locals haven't been paddled before. Who knows.
After two weeks in the tropics, 1 dislocated shoulder, 2 broken boats, and a snapped paddle I will let the photos do the talking. I cant wait to head to Cairns next season for some unfinished business.
Thanks to Jesse James and The Tazy boys for a sweet trip.

Photo: Lachie Carracher

Photo: James Thorp

Photo: Will Hughes

Photo: James Thorp
Paddler: Will Hughes

Photo: Alison Sturges
Paddler: LC
Possible First D - Josephine Falls

Photo: Leon Bedford
High Water NJ camp

Photo: :Lachie Carracher

Photo: Sam Tregnza
Paddler: LC
Possible First and only D, (according to locals) but I doubt it

Photo: Sam Treganza