Monday, September 26, 2011


…One has to ask questions like this when planning for an expedition, if you don’t ask the questions and you don’t spend the time?
Or maybe you don’t really want to know at all…

Preparing for an expedition down the Homathko can be as easy as calling the float plane, arranging a pick up time, Researching water levels, buying food, driving 8hours and putting on the river.
But even after this, one still questions, do I want to feel that exposed for 4 days? I know friends who have paddled the river and I know the rapids are manageable. so really I have no real reason to be scared. Right?
Planning for this trip was as much about guess work, trying to work out the weather and wondering what 300cubic meters of water might very quickly do to the river.

This season BC has experienced a high water year. The large amount of high alpine snowpack that still remains hangs over our heads as a reminder as we paddle the first day down some exceedingly difficult class 2.
We have been so lucky this trip to experience the perfect window, the snowpack allowing us passage down the reaches of its deepest gorge at a near perfect flow.

The Homathko allowed my 7 companions and I a glimpse at some of the most epic of its BC wilderness. Reminding us of its power with what felt like icy cold hands slapping our faces as every wave passed over our head.
It is a source to sea expedition in the truest of senses of the words.

Hear lies only your fear – towering mountains, deep canyons and grizzly bears.
Here lies the Homathko River – The true wilderness trip of a lifetime.